Learn more by attending a no-obligation orientation and consider getting licensed through your local county DHHS office - not a private agency.
Foster Care in Michigan - In Michigan, there are approximately 13,000 children in foster care and over 300 children who still need an adoptive family. Learn how you can help!
Foster Care Navigator - Whether you have been a foster parent for several years or you are just inquiring about becoming a foster parent, the benefits of having a Navigator are invaluable.
Every Kid is One Caring Adult Away From Being a Success Story
Taken Into Foster Care, Through the Eyes of a Child - Before she was an inmate, Michelle Voorhees was a kid in foster care. Painting a vivid picture, Voorhees asks you to imagine the harrowing, disconcerting experience of being removed from your own home.
New Foster Parent? Take a look at Laura's Foster Parent Partner Tips
Michigan Adoption Resource Exchange - MARE is here to help you achieve your family’s adoption goals and meet some of the waiting children!
Michigan Heart Gallery - Help these youth find their forever homes!
Understanding Michigan's Adoption Program - Open your heart and your home!
Macomb County Children's Mobile Crisis Unit - 586-307-9100 - Free.
Family Youth Interventions - Runaway, homeless, and at-risk crisis & intervention services. 24-hour crisis line (586) 465-1212
Fostering Forward Michigan - Michigan's statewide foster, adoptive, and kinship parent coalition. Have a problem or a question? They can help!
Foster Care Navigator - Whether you have been a foster parent for several years or you are just inquiring about becoming a foster parent, the benefits of having a Navigator are invaluable.
Foster Parent Guide to Court - For Caregivers in the Child Welfare System of Michigan.
Pre-School, HeadStart, Great Start Readiness Programs in Michigan
Suggested Pre-Placement and Time-of-Placement Questions - a list of questions you may want to ask before agreeing to a placement from the Iowa Foster & Adoptive Parent Association.
Michigan Alliance for Families - Support and education for special education services.
Michigan Youth Opportunity Initiative - Ensures that young people in foster care have successful outcomes in housing, education, employment, community engagement and health.
Community Mental Health (CMH) Services - Macomb County and Statewide
Confabulation: When Lying isn't Lying with Nate Sheets
Disability Rights Michigan - Representing the rights of children and adults with disabilities in Michigan. Download a free comprehensive advocacy manual!
Macomb, Oakland, and Livingston County Grandparents and Kinship - Resources for family members raising a relative’s child.
Kinship Care Resource Center - Resources for family members raising a relative’s child.
Michigan Kinship Caregivers: Macomb, Oakland & Livingston Counties Facebook Group.
Michigan Coalition for Fetal Alcohol Resources, Education, and Support - MCFARES
Families Affected by Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder - More resources.
FASD - Tips for Parents and Caregivers
FASD - Fillable Guide for Teachers and Caregivers
Five Things You Need to Survive as a Foster Parent - Good tips to remember!
Muslim Foster Care Association - Support for Muslim foster parents and Muslim children in foster care.
Faith Communities Coalition on Foster Care - Faith communities in Michigan who engage in at least projects that benefit children and youth in foster care.
Building Beds 4 Kids - Distributes beds and mattresses to foster families for free.
The Neighbors Project - Connecting neighbors who care with families who need support in Macomb, Oakland, and Wayne Counties.
Variety Detroit - Providing life-changing services and support to children with unique and special needs.
Foster, Adoptive, and Kinship Parent Conference - Free statewide must-attend conference that is held every year. To sign up for MDHHS training conference announcements, email Monica S. Jackson, Statewide Adoptive and Foster Parent Recruitment and Retention Coordinator, at JacksonM9@michigan.gov.
Michigan Alliance for Families - Support and education for special education services.
The Post Institute - Every foster, adoptive, and kinship parent should watch these free videos: When You Feel Incompetent as a Parent! Why Kids Lie and How to Stop It Now! Six Minutes that Can Change Your Child's Life! Trauma, Brain, and Relationships: How to Help Your Child Heal! More videos
Cognitive Supports (formerly Oregon Behavior Consultants) - Specialization in Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), developmental disabilities, and cognitive skills. Free videos that all foster, adoptive, and kinship parents should watch.
Children in Crisis: Trauma and Toxic Environments Impact How Children Learn - Former Free Press Columnist Rochelle Riley studied how trauma and toxic environments impact how children learn.
Macomb County Foster Care - Foster parent in Macomb Co.? Please join this community!
Macomb Foster Closet - Providing clothing and other essential items for free to all children in foster care and the amazing families that care for them.
Foster Care and Adoption - Nationwide community of foster and adoptive parents.
MCFARES - Michigan Coalition for Fetal Alcohol Resources, Education & Support
MI FASD - Parents, clinicians, advocates and services for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Big Family of Michigan - Support for foster families during the holidays and more.
Friends of Foster Kids - Free Christmas gifts. Requests must come directly from your DHHS caseworker between August and October. If licensed with a private agency, have your caseworker contact your child's assigned DHHS monitor to apply for your child.
The MayFly Project - Mentoring Children in Foster Care Through Fly Fishing.
Renew Charities - For families with low income, we provide family dinners and toys to help with Christmas.
Kids Bowl Free - Sign up for two free games of bowling each day all summer long!
Kids Skate Free - Find a participating skating center near you or ask them to sign up!
A Beautiful Me - Prom Dresses and more for girls!
ASK! Many camps give scholarships or discounts to children in foster care.
CARES of Southeast Michigan - Free summer day camps focused on leadership skills.
Champions for Life - Free, religious-based. Referrals can also be made through Macomb County DHHS.
Camp Ozanam - Free, religious-based. Campers do not have to be Catholic to attend our camp but they do need to go through their local Catholic Church that has a St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) Conference. You can also call St. Vincent de Paul at 1-877-788-4623, #2, #5.
Royal Family Kids Camp - Free, religious-based. Worker referral needed.
Michigan YMCA Camps - Scholarships available.
Camp Henry - Scholarships available.
Camp Skyline - Scholarships available.
Humane Society of Macomb - Summer day camps for residents of Shelby Township.
Love for a Child - Free, religious-based.
Youth Haven - Free, religious-based.
Camp Springhill - Religious-based, scholarships available.
Indian Trails Camp - Specializing in helping children with disabilities.
Community Enrichment and Sports Scholarships - ASK! Most organizations provide scholarships and discounts for children in foster care. The agency you are licensed with may have funds available as well.
College Educated: A one-stop resource for understanding college resources, scholarships, and challenges for youth who have experienced foster care.
Study.com - College & Scholarship Guide for Students Transitioning from Foster Care to College
Comfort Case Scholarships - Awarding scholarships to support the academic and vocational goals of youth in foster care.
Fostering Success Michigan - Provides comprehensive resources and inspiration for youth and alumni of foster care.
Michigan Achievement Scholarship - Students attending an eligible post-high school training program, community college, or public or private university.
Michigan Youth Opportunity Initiative - Ensures that young people in foster care have successful outcomes in housing, education, employment, community engagement, and health. This is a great opportunity for your teen to earn money just by participating!
Foster Youth in Transition - A handbook for youth in foster care.
Michigan Career and Technical Institute - MCTI is one of the most progressive public vocational rehabilitation residential training facilities in the U.S., with extraordinary training and job placement success. Let them help your teen get on the path to success.
Fostering Futures Scholarship - Provides college assistance for former foster youth.
Tuition Incentive Program (TIP) - Any child receiving Medicaid for a period of time qualifies.
Wayne State University CHAMPS - A college access and retention program for youth ages 18- 26 who have "aged out" of the child welfare system.
PELL Scholarship and other Scholarships - Youth who aged out of foster care or were adopted out of foster care after reaching age 13 are considered automatically independent on the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Often this means that such children have a zero expected family contribution (EFC), which qualifies them for a full Pell Grant.
Child Welfare Information Gateway - Government information on educational assistance.
Post Adoption Resource Center - Providing support and resources every step of the way.
Post Adoption Toolkit - Resources compiled by MARE.
Adoptive Family Support Network - Statewide parent to parent program providing post-adoption support, education and resources to families across Michigan.
State of Michigan Adoption Subsidy Office - Financial resources after adoption.
Email us at macombfostercloset@gmail.com